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    The Prime Minister Hon Alatoi Ishmael Kalsakau Ma’aukoro visited Australia on an invitation from the Prime Minister of Australia on Tuesday the 14th of February 2023.  

    PM Maau’koro and his delegation departed Port Vila on the 14th of February to meet Australian Prime Minister Hon Anthony Albanese on Wednesday 15th of February 2023.

    The invitation from Australian Prime Minister follows on from the foreign Minister’s visit to Vanuatu Hon Penny Wong early this year.  Vanuatu Prime Minister to visit Prime Minister Albanese’s guest.

    Therefore, it is an honour for me as Prime Minister to be invited as government guest and I cherish the relationship we have developed. Australia is a key development partner for Vanuatu and we look forward to grow and deepen the corporation between us.

    In light of this invitation, I know that the relationship between the countries only continue to grow from strength to strength. It is our culture in the Pacific to gather around the table and discuss development issues acknowledge all the good work we have achieved and the once we are still working on. It’s embedded in the Pacific culture of respect to gather around a table and discus issues rather than sending correspondence after correspondence. That is the spirit of our relationship with Australia.

    At the out set I want to thank all officials from the Australian government in Canberra, DFAT, Australian High Commission in Port Vila and officials from the Vanuatu government who worked so hard to turn this into reality.


    January 2, 2023   New Years Day
    February 21, 2023   Fr. Lini Day
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    July 30, 2023   Independence Day
    August 15, 2023   Assumption Day
    October 5, 2023   Constitution Day
    November 29, 2023   Unity Day
    December 25, 2023   Christmas
    December 26, 2023   Family Day

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    January 1, 2024   New Years Day
    February 21, 2024   Fr. Lini Day
    March 5, 2024   Chiefs Day
    March 29, 2024   Good Friday
    April 1, 2024   Easter Monday
    May 1, 2024   Labour Day
    May 18, 2024   Ascension Day
    July 24, 2024   Children's Day
    July 30, 2024   Independence Day
    August 15, 2024   Assumption Day
    October 5, 2024   Constitution Day
    November 29, 2024   Unity Day
    December 25, 2024   Christmas
    December 26, 2024   Family Day