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    Agence de Development Francaise

    Agence de Development Francaise

    A delegation from Agence de Development Francaise, AFD, made a courtesy call visit to the Prime Minister Hon. Charlot Salwai Tabimasmas and assured the Prime Minister of their return into the country. The AFD recently moved out of the country due to the ongoing instability faced and were based in French territory on New Caledonia. White grass airport Tanna, Lonorore Airport Pentecost and Longana airport Ambae, these were the projects of AFD in Vanuatu.

    Similar to AUSAID or USAID. There were projects on Ambrym and Malekula also, but it was not possible due to land disputes. These were the projects that the French government is assisting Vanuatu in forms of grant. They assured the Prime Minister that a permanent office is to be established in the Country.