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    PM Salwai Meets New Zealand Deputy Prime Minister

    PM Salwai Meets New Zealand Deputy Prime Minister

    Hon. Prime Minister Charlot Salwai Tabimasmas met with New Zealand Deputy Prime Minister Hon. Winston Peters today at the Prime Minister's Office.
    Hon. Prime Minister congratulated Hon. Winston on his election as the 13th Deputy Prime Minister of New Zealand since November 2023. The Hon Prime Minister stated that this is a significant opportunity for the two countries to continue building on the Maori statement of Partnership which establishes the enduring values, priorities and principles that underpin the two county's relations.
    "We have valued New Zealand's assistance in times of natural disasters, as well as in times of need. We express through you our gratitude for New Zealand's life-saving humanitarian assistance and relief supplies rendered to our people impacted by these natural events. Recovering from natural disasters has and will always impose extensive development challenges on Vanuatu's economy, given our archipelagic nature" Said Hon. Prime Minister.
    The Hon. Prime Minister also acknowledge New Zealand's assistance in the social sectors, security, law and justice, Labor Mobility the Recognized Seasonal Worker Program and PACER PLUS entry of Vanuatu products into New Zealand market. And assured Deputy Prime Minister Winston that Vanuatu will continue to value New Zealand's partnership in building stronger business and investment links between the two countries.
    The two leaders exchanged gifts at the end of discussions.