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    Prime Minister's Visit to China 2024

    Prime Minister's Visit to China 2024

    Prime Minister (PM) Charlot Salwai is currently in China as of 7th of July when he arrived, accompanied by Minister of Internal Affairs Johnny Koanapo and Minister of Lands Rick Tchamako Mahe.

    According to Hilaire Bule, the Public Relations Officer (PRO) for the Government, PM Salwai arrived in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, on Sunday afternoon to begin his official visit. Upon their arrival, the delegation received a warm welcome at the airport.

    Yesterday, Prime Minister Salwai met with the Vice Governor of Guangdong province, Mr. Wang Xi.

    During the meeting, the two leaders exchanged views on various areas of development. PM Salwai emphasised that the large delegation from Vanuatu visiting China this week reflects the importance Vanuatu places on its relationship with China and Guangdong province.

    He noted that while China and Vanuatu formally established diplomatic relations in 1982, the relationship began well before then with Chinese Cantonese settlers arriving in Vanuatu before the country’s independence in 1980.

    The PM expressed the gratitude of the people of Vanuatu for the support received from China in the aftermaths of natural disasters.

    He invited Guangdong Province to explore business opportunities in Vanuatu, particularly in rural development and air connectivity. He also extended an invitation to Guangdong province to establish province and city agreements with other provinces and towns in Vanuatu.

    Vice Governor Wang stated that his province is interested in investing in the areas of coffee, fish, and forestry, mentioning that Guangdong is one of the main producers of coffee.

    The Vice Governor said Guangdong organises a tourism event every year and invited Vanuatu to participate. He expressed a desire to promote agricultural exchange with Vanuatu and assured that his province would continue to assist Vanuatu during times of disaster, maintaining this support in the future.

    Yesterday, PM Salwai and his delegation also visited the Canton Opera Exhibition and the Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition, where they had the opportunity to discover the rich cultural heritage of Guangdong province.

    The province is committed to preserving its customs and traditions, passing them down to younger generations to ensure they hold onto their cultural identity.

    PRO Bule shared that PM Salwai, Mrs. Salwai, Internal Affairs Minister Koanapo, and Lands Minister Mahe had the privilege of dressing in their traditional opera costumes.

    Guangdong province has been a significant contributor to Vanuatu’s early development stages, with the first Chinese Cantonese settlers arriving in Vanuatu before independence. Today, their grandchildren continue to live in Vanuatu and have become citizens, running their own businesses in the country.

    By Daily Post Vanuatu