Ministri blong Lands long bihaf blong Gavman blong Vanuatu i saenem wan agrimen wetem Alliance Francaise blong manejem eksibisen rum blong bilding we Franis Embasi i stap fastaem long hem. Bilding ia hemi propeti blong Gavman. Agrimen i talem se Alliance Francaise i mas mekem ol samting ia:
a) Managing the room, and managing the use of the room by people and organisations intending to use it.
b) Paying for electricity and water bills.
c) Maintenance and repairs done to the room.
d) To keep the room in good condition at all times.
e) To establish a policy for the room to cater for the use of the room. This policy will be endorsed by the Government prior to implementing it.
Any changes to the policy must be consented to by the Government.
Minista blong Lands i talem tankyu long Alliance Francaise blong save mekem wok ia.