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    Firstly mi wantem tekem this opotuniti blong congratulatem ol VMF Band, ol Pikinini , ol Staf we I representem ol Public and Private Sektas  long smart mo impressive turnout long this Morning.

    Long Yia ia, yumi save luk se I difren long ol pas yias from yumi involvem ol Private Sectors mo ol skul pikinini long Parade  blong yumi mo mi hope blong bae hemi continue long ol yias we I stap kam

     mo tu I showem se working tugeta olsem bae I save lidim yumi blong wok towards wan common Objective blong National Transformation.

     Mi tekem janis ia tu  blong talem thank you long National Independence Committee long bigfala Effort  mo hadwok we oli save mekem , blong  Victory March Blong today ikam wan Successful Wan.  And as yumi stap ko towards Independence Celebration March ia I stap rimaindem yumi long ol walkabout mo struggle blong ol ForeFathers blong yumi mo olgeta  we oli bin lusum laef blong olgeta blong mekem se tudei yumi save stap olsem wan independent nation.

    Vanuatu bae ikat 37 years long wik ia . Independence Park hemi wan historikol ples long history blong yumi ol man Vanuatu.  Long ples ia nao, 37 yias i pas, oli bin raisem fesfala National Flag blong yumi and oltaem yumi celebratem independence blong yumi long semfala ples blong  makem mo mekem yumi rimembarem taem ia.

     World I stap Change  bigwan today. Olsem Capital Blong Country ,Port  Vila oli still stap regardem olsem Gateway iko long outside World. Tedei yumi save se yumi facem plante Challenges and wan long ol recent wan nao hemi bin Cyclone Pam. Cyclone Pam hemi kam blong claimem fulap Properties thru out long Country be yet long Spirit blong  Unity mo community networks blong yumi I mekem se  yumi  save tink Positive  blong mekem Vanuatu blong yumi I continue blong Grow, i continue blong develop mo muv iko foret.

    Mi bilif  se ol challenges ia  ikam blong mekem yumi strong ,  mo resilient olsem wan pipol mo olsem wan Nation.

    Yumi continue blong facem ol natural disasters afta long PAM   I mekem plante bigfala effects long ol Natural Resources blong yumi. Yumi save luk tu se Country I stap experiencem   Climate Change and Changes I continue long Demography, long politics and sam narafala  mo. Mo tu yumi save luk se  fulap issues I stap rise up olsem  social Irresponsiblility and Crimes we I lid iko long  ol Careless Accidents  mo deaths.

     Theme blong Independence blong yia 2017 I base mainly long ol Areas we I affectem welfare blong yumi olsem , National Security, Akses long Education, local Employment mo health Insurance Plan. Ol Key Areas ia  oli impotent blong buildem  wan Healthy ,Wealthy mo Educated Vanuatu therefore mi stap appeal  long ol Ni- Vanuatu blong revivem Spirit blong Unity we i bin mekem yumi bin fri long ol Colonial Papa blong Yumi. Mo semfala tingting ia or strong tingting ia yumi save usum blong help blong developem mo muvum kaontri blong yumi iko forward.

     Hao nao yumi wantem se bai oli rimembarem yumi? Hemia hemi wan challenge we  yumi bin ovakamem blong mekem se yumi pruvum yumi se yumi save inheritem kaontri ia blong yumi out long tufala kavman blong Franis mo Inglan.

     Yumi mas fil responsible olsem ol Citizens blong Vanuatu. Yumi mas contribute blong bildim nation ia blong hemi kam wan prosperous nation. Long sem taem yumi stap raetem histori blong yumi . Bambai yumi continue blong toktok, blong diskas, blong kivim ol tingting blong muvum nation ia iko forward we bai hemi mo gud bitim naoia.

     Mo ol pikinini we oli bin parade/maj tudei bambai oli save talem story blong yumi long future generations blong nation ia.

    Wetem this Remarks mi wantem tekem this opportunity blong wishim yumi everiwan ol Gudfala Citizens blong  Vanuatu mo Port Vila , wan Blessed mo Sef  37th Independence Celebrations mo God bai i blessem yumi everiwan.