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    Strengthening National Security, Access to Education for All, Priority to Local Employment and Creation of a Health Insurance Plan and good environment


    Renforcer la Sécurité Nationale, Accès à l’Education pour Tous, Priorité à l’Emploi Locale et Création d’un Régime d’Assurance Maladie et d’un bon environement


    Strentenem Nasonal Sekuriti, Akses long Edukesen long evriwan, Praeoriti long Lokol Emploemen mo Kriesen blong wan Plan blong Helt Insurens mo gud environment


    2017 Celebration Theme:


    Strengthening National Security, Access to Education for All, Priority to Local Employment and Creation of a Health Insurance Plan and good environment


    Renforcer la Sécurité Nationale, Accès à l’Education pour Tous, Priorité à l’Emploi Locale et Création d’un Régime d’Assurance Maladie et d’un bon environement



    Strentenem Nasonal Sekuriti, Akses long Edukesen long evriwan, Praeoriti long Lokol Emploemen mo Kriesen blong wan Plan blong Helt Insurens mo gud environment

    Welkam mo acknoledjmen

    Welkam lo yumi everiwan we yumi stap tedei mo everiwan we oli listen lo radio or TV tru aot lo kantri, mo olgeta we oli stap joenem yumi lo celebrasen ia around lo region mo lo narafala part long wol. Tankio lo presence blong evriwan.


    Bifo mi kivim aot toktok blo mi, mi askem lo yumi evriwan i stanap mo tekem wan minit saelens, blo tingbaot mo honorem ol founding fathers bloNesen blo yumi from stragol blo indipendens mo tu evri Ni-Vanuatu we oli contribute lo ol development blo Kaontri be oli nomo stap wetem yumi tedei, olsem leit reveren Womtelo Baldwin Lonsdale, Forma President blo Republic blo Vanuatuwetem olketa we oli lusum laef blo olketa lo RSE lo Australia mo New Zealand.[Thank you]

    Lo behalf blo Kavman mo pipol blo Vanuatu, mi congratuletem His Excellency, Pastor Obed Moses Tallis, lo eleksen bloyu olsem niufala President blo Ripablik blo Vanuatu.

    « Celui qui réfléchit sur les choses trouve le bonheur, Et celui qui se confie en l'Éternel est heureux ».« Whoever gives heed to instruction prospers,and blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord”.

     Tedei 30th July 2017, yumi praod blo selebretem 37thAnniversary bloRipablik blong Vanuatu.Yumi selebretem uniti mofridom blo yumi. Tru lo stragol mo vision blo ol founding lidas, yumi save stap tedei olsem wan fri mo independent Nesen.

     Tedei, yumi gat spesol tingting lo olgeta citizens blong yumi we oli sick, ol olfala blo yumi mo ol man mo ol woman we, from sam reason, oli no save sherem dei ia wetem yumi.

     Lo selebresen ia tu, yumi tingbaot ol brata mo sista blong yumi long Kanaki, Tahiti mo West Papua we oli still struggle blo kasem politikol fridom blo olgeta.

     Mi acknolejem presens blo olgeta skul pikinini mo ol narafala pikinini we oli save kam tekempat lo seremoni ia tudei. Tankyu blo lanem blo observem Nasonal dei blo Vanuatu.

    Mi talem tank yu tu igo lo olgeta VMF Band mo ol memba’s blo force long Parade blo yufala. Performance blo yufala hemi demonstratem pride wei yumi kat olsem wan sovereign independent state.

     Mi rekoknaisem tu Wok we Independens komiti i mekem blo redi long ol pogram blo selebrasen lo yia ia. Hemi stap oltaem olsem wan jalenj folem ol limited risos blo yumi. Wanem we I important, se yumi save stap tugeta blo celebratemnasonal dei blo yumi.

     Mi tekem opotunitiia blo welkamem olketa special guests blo yumi mo olketa we oli travel I kam blo selebretem dei ia tudei wetem yumi.

     30 July lo evri yia hemi wan dei we yumi luk forwod long hem oltaem blo riflek lo prokress mo development jalenjes blo yumi lo ol pas yia. Dei ia tu emi wan gudfala taem blo yumi riviuem daereksens we yumi olsem wan Nesen i bin tekem mo hao yumi save setem ap wan wei forward i ko lo fuija.

     Theme blo selebresen

    Lo yia ia, theme blo selebresen hemi “Strentenem Nasonal Sekuriti, Akses lo Edukesen lo evriwan, Praeoriti loLokol Emploemen mo Kriesen blo wan Plan blo Helt Insurens mo gud Environment”. Olketa stampa toktok iaoli riflektem vision blo Nasional Sustainable Development Plan 2030 we hemi Stable, sustainable, mo prosperous(Stable, durable et prospère).Ol toktok ia, oli representem wanem yumi olsem Nesen mo citizens i wantem ajivem lo ol yias wei istap kam.


    Sekuriti, Pis, mo stabiliti emi faondesen blo nesen bilding so hemi impoten sei yumi wok tugeta oltaem blo respectem law mo order lo kaontri ia.

    Blo Vanuatu I kontinu blo stap olsem wan happiest ples blo liv mo wan ples blong visit mo invest emi important blo gat wan strong sekuriti system.

    Sekuriti blo Kaontri hemi wan impoten praeoriti blong Kavman. From every citizen I nid blo liv long peace.Numba blo force we yumi kat tedei hemi very smol komperem lo inkris blong populesenmo tu oli no save stap lo everi aelan blo yumi. Member blo force oli olfala. Yumi kat ol niu challenges too olsem hemia blokorapsen, anti-money laundering mo terrorist financing, mo drug trafficking.

    Kavman Emi nid blo:

    ·        Inkrisim numba blo force;

    ·        Impruvum working culture mo environment, mo Training Skills;

    ·        Inkrisim security seves I ko long citizens, residents mo olketa private properties.


    Sekuriti hemi wan important pillars blo wan Nesen from hemi help blo krietem wan environment we pipol I feel fri lo muv around, kivim konfidens lo olketa bisnis haos, kivim konfidens loinvestors mo visitors we oli visitim blo kam lo Kaontri.

    Lond saed blong Justice:Kavman I wandem luk se akses long Justice I open long evri citizens olsem wan servis bat ino mas stap olsem wan luxury item. From reason ia, Kavman blo yumi tedei hemi commitim hem fulwan blo imas gat wan proper Court Haos.

    Yumi mas gat strong tinktink blo upholdem prinsipol blo rule of law, independens blo judiciary we i fomem strong faundesen blo Konstitusen blo yumi. Mo I mekem se I mas gat balens lo interest blong wan wan man wetem social welfea blo yumi evriwan olsem ol citizen blo kaontri ia.

    Nasonal Sastenabol Developmen Plan 2030, I setem daereksen blo yumi wok togeta wetem evri grup lo populesen blo yumi blong yumi repectem human deknety blo evriwan includem ol women, pikinini, pipol wetem spesol nid, olfala mo yut grup blogat akses lo Kavman sevis mo proteksen.

    Need blo ol citizens I mas stap olsem priority blo kavman mo ol besesblool development policy blo Kavman;kivim equal opportunity lo every citizens ;akses lo edukesen,employment opportunity, Health seves mo business opportunity.

    Kavman lo yia ia I disaed blo expandem free akses loeducation lo yia 7 I ko kasem yia 10 mo stat blo supotem Early Child Care blo no livim eni pikinini behind.

     Lo saed blo skolasip, Kavman i kat 720 students we I sponsorem olketa naoia.

    Mi tekem opportunity blo talem tankio lo ol development partnters blo sapotem Kavman lo program blo skolasip.

     Kavman mbae i kontinue blo sapotem skolaship but imas kat wan transparen, akountable mo responsive system i stap blo orientem ol students lo ol priorty human resos wen Kaontrii nidim.

     Kavman I mas setemap wan infomesen sytem blo rikodemor registrem ol students we oli karem skolasip mo too oli graduate lo wanem field. Information system ia bae I help loproper planning mo direction blo ol students igo lo ol eria blong ol study.

     Yumi nid blo lukluk bak lo olketa teknikel institusens blo yumi blo strentenemolgeta I kam ol higher tertiary institutions blo ofrem ol skills we Kaontri I  nidim.

     Kavman investmen lo education hemi 25% blonasonal budget mo hemi stap lo berem fruit from evri yia ova 100 students oli gradutate.

     Kavman I wandem openemap more akses lo university level localy blo reduisim cost. Mi stap kol lo USP, olsem wan founding memba mo financial contributor, blo openemap more university studies lo Emalus Campus from Vanuatu hemi no nidim ol lawyers nomo, bat emi nidim ol narafala skills too.

    Mi tekem oportuniti blong talem tankio long Universti blong New Caledonia (UNC) mo Universiti blong Toulouse 1 blong kam establish localy blong ofrem Degree mo Masters blong Economy, Masters blong geography mo Degree blong Tourism long nekis year.

     Praeoriti long Lokol Emploemen

    KavmanI mas kivim praeoriti lo ol Ni-Vanuatu blo akses lo ol work lo public mo praevet sekta, folem ol conditions we oli stap lo law, mo yumi mas reguletem more strictly foreign emploemen than hemia we istap naoia.

     Kavman I wandem krietem too wan Unit blo Emploemen within lo Department blo Labour, blo recordem evri request mo all offer blong work blo mekem se evri recruitmen oli made folem merit. Kavman I wandem luk fairness, justice mo equity lo recruitmen process mo opportunity.

     Imas kat amendment long ol Laws blong Labor blo strenten ofis ia mo enforsem compliance. Evri Ni-Vanuatu graduates lo university mo ol technikol institutes oli mas gat fair chance blo save kasem wok.

     Kavman I notisim wan inkris blo ol foreign workers lo praevet mo public sekta we oli kam wok lo Vanuatu mo pem tax igo bak lo Kaontri blo olgeta from Kavman ino introdiusum iet eni tax regime lo eria ia.

    Retirement package we Kavman istap undertekem I should provaedem ova 300 jobs lo public sekta. Public Sevis Commission imas spidimap process blo advertisemen blo ol vacant posisens blo kivim opportunitylo  ol young graduates oli save apply.

     While kavman I acknowledjem kontribusen blo praevet sekta blokrietem  employment opportunities, Kavman baei continue blo work wetem olketa blocreatem more job opportunity lo ol difren sectors blo economi.

     Taem yumi tokbaot development I ko, yumi nidim wan populesen we hemi healthy mo kat sound mind blo mekem gud decisions lo home, village,society mo Nesen blo yumi.

     Kavman I recognaesem se Health hemi wan key social sevis we I mas kasem grass-root mo rijim evri isolated pat blo kantri.  Kavman I wantem se evri citizen blo Kaontri I mas kasem gud quality helt tru privensen mo kuretiv sevises.

     Olsem wan priority sekta blo Kavman, Ministry blo Helt mo Public Sevis Comisen oli mas kamap immediately wetem wan efficient mo effective structure blo ensure se health service blo health emi responsive mo  ikasem evi pipol blo kaontri.

     Kavman bae i kontinu blo addresem ol sik olsem TB, HIV/AIDS mo ol Environmental helt diseases.

    Bat ikat wan alarming desease naoia we hemi Non Communicable Desease’s (NCDs) from inogat age boundri mo economical status boundry mo hemi nidim ful attention blo Kavman blo kamap wetem wan effective polisi mo effective plan of action blo adressem:

    ·        Imposem levy lo ol imported goodsugary food mo drink

    ·        Education –blo inkludim impotence blo gud helt insaed lo ol curriculum blo school

    ·        Nid blo increasim level blo aweanes through lo ol media outlets

    ·        reinforsem community outreach

    ·        Food Sekurity:Kavman I putum priority lo productive sekta blo produsem inaf helti kakai blo ol pipol blo Vanuatu – prodiusum inaf bloconsumem bifo eni tingting blo trading.

     Hemi ol reasons why Kavman I kamap wetem wan polisi blosetemap wan Helt Insurance blo ol wokers blo Kaontri wetem partnership blo VNPF, ol insurens kampani, ol employer mo ol employees.

     Kavman bae I kontiniu wetem training blo ol Vilij  Helt Workers mo ipem olgeta, mobai I kontiniu blo sapotem specialist blool helt professionals, wok blo helth blong ol mama mo ol pikinini.

     Taem yumi tokbaot helt, yumi tokbaot too se pipol wetem fiuja generation oli mas liv lo wan gud environmen.

     Solwora, ocean mo kraon oli mas be protected mo safe from oli garden blo yumi.

    Afta we Kavman hemi feswan blo kat wan Ocean polisi, emi mas continiu lo direction ia blo advocate lo protection blo environment. Lo recent miting lo South Pacific Community (SPC), mi mekem wan announcement se Kavman imas putum wan polisi blo banem importesen mo use blo bottles mo plastic bags we ino save roten from ol product ia oli afektem solwora, river mo kraon blo yumi mo isave pasem sik. 

    Mi wandem tekem smol taem blong ko through lo olketa polisi prioritis blo Kavman mo too kivim yumi wan update lo wanem we kavman I ajivim since Julae 2016.


    Government Priorities

    a)    Economic peformance blong Vanuatu

    Economic growth blo Vanuatu hemi droap lo wan rate blo 2.3% lo 2014 igo lo1.8% lo 2015. Droap iaibin fromnatural mo man made disasta we Kaontri hemi bin fesem.

     Lo February 2016, karen Kavman i lukluk bak lo ol plans blo hao isave reddressem bak ekonomi mo impruvum. Wetem plante efforts mo komitmenwe Kavman I mekem lo wan yia ia, ekonomy hemi stat blo grow bakeken lo wan rate blo 4.6%mo kavman bae I mekem sua se gudfala performance ya i kontinue lo yia 2017 .

     Growth ia I folem  ol efforts lo saed blong TC Pam recovery, increase lo budget i go lo productive sector mo inkris lo price blo copra mo kava,ongoing projects blong infrastructure olsem rod, wharf, airport mo construction, mo too ol riforms we Kavman i stap unda tekem.  

    b)   Ongoing fiscal reforms mo Political Reforms

    Political Reforms hemi still stap wan lo ol priority blo Kafman olsem reviu blo Consitution blo adressem politikol stabiliti.

    Work blo expandem revenue base I stap kohed gud. Olketa riforms ia inkludim ridaksen kost blo mekem business, modernaesem tax administration blo ensurim effective compliance mo koleksen blo revenue, mo daonem kost blo living mo buildimap capital blo sapotem investment mo ekonomik growth.

     Wetem inkris blo populesen, demand blong sevesis loskuls, health seves, road, airport, wharfs, I kam undap.

     So Kavman wei yumi lidim bae I mas kontinue lo ol fiskol riforms blo mekem se isave stap lo wan beta posisisen blo sevesem nids mo mitim ol obligations blo hem olsem pem ol loans wei oli due naoia mo situesens afta long graduasen lo LDC.

     Kavman ikat finis wan polisi blong reformem Kavman machinery blo mekem sua se ol workman blo Kavman oli forcast lo core function blong olgeta mo oli accountable lo ol actions blo olgeta. Semtaem hemi blo adressem disentralisation polisi blo empowerem mo resorssem ol Area Kaonsels wetem ol Provinsol Kaonsels blo draevem sevis igo kasem pipol.


    Ol reformsia wetem Pipol’s Plan 2030 bae oli nidim wan strong politikol will blong save fulfilim.

    Thank you long olketa political lidas mo Membas blong Parlemen from solitarity blo olgeta mo too sapot blong olketa Provincial presidents blo yumi.

    c)    Retirement Package.

    Hemi legal obligation blo Kavman blo pemaot ol severance entitlement blo ol wokman blo hem.Kavman I pemaot finis ova 300 pablik servants we oli retire folem dead, medikol kraon mo retirement age blong olketa.Yumi kat narafala 300.  Kavman i nid blo pemaot evri wan, mo emi mekem provision blo severance lo annual budget blo hem.


    d)   LDC graduation mo work we Kavman hemi undertaken to date

    Long 4th December 2020, Vanuatu bae hemi graduate aot long LDC. Hemi minim se bae ikam wan Develop Kaontri unda lo klasifikesen blo United Nations. Emia bae I afektem ol development assistance we oli kam lo ol developmen partners.

    Kavman istap preperem hem blo manajem situesen mo emi appointem finis wan Kodineted Kommittee blowork lo transisen.

    National Sustainable Development Plan blo yumi hemi outlaenem how yumi manajem yumi afta lo graduation ia.


    e)    FATF – Antimoney Laundering mo Financing blo Terrorist Activities

    Lo 2016, FATF hemi putum Vanuatu lo ‘Grey List’from I considerem se Vanuatu hemi launderem money we tru lo hem isave financem terrorist activiti from inokat transparency lo ol financial transaction mo hemi requirem lo Vanuatu blo imas amendem ol respective legislation we igat 30 evriwan.

    Kavman I tekem evri necessary step blo remuvum Vanuatu long ‘Grey List’mo ino go lo “Black List”.

    Folem hemia, hemi passem 13 priority bills finis mo 17 istap iet we Kavman imas mekem bifo end blong yia ia 

    No mata lo ol developmen ia, yumi still kat plante wok istap lo foret blo yumi bifo oli save remuvum yumi lo ‘Grey List’.

    Wok ia bae I dipen plande lo capacity mo hability ol key law enforcement mo ol supervisory agencies blo implementem ol laws ia. 

    f)      TCPAM Recovery

    Naoia recovri istap gohed gud mo mi proud long wok we ol ministries oli stap mekem blo mekem se pipol oli save kasem ol services bakeken.

    Yumi witnisim komplisen bloplante lo olketa project unda long rikoveri program mo mi wandem talem thank you long TCPAM Rekovri Komiti, wanwan ministry mo sapot blo ol development partners. 

    Despite olgeta progress ia, jalenj istap iet blong save kasem ol normal services bakeken.

    g)    Productive sector

    Kavman I kontinue blo sapotem prodaktiv sekta, from se Agrikalja hemi bakbun blo ekonomi blo Vanuatu.Araon 70% blool man Vanuatu oli stap wok lo rural ekonomi. 

    Jalenj we istap naoia, Kavman I wandem inkrisim prodaksen blo livestock, food crops wetem mecanisation process.Lo saed blong fisheries, Kavman iwandem diversifaem sekta ia mo export.

     Kavman I stap wok too wetem ol Developmen Partners bloacceptem blong invest long rural ekonomi momi talem tankio lo olgeta.

     Kavman hemi continue blo sapotem “agri-tourism”polisi blo linkim work blo agrikaltja wetem inkris demand blo ol tourist.

     Niu Kavman polisi I wandem we imas gat sufficient helti kakai blong fidim population bifo yumi tingting blong export.

    h)   Infrastructure Development – yumi mas maintenem sapot

    Infrastrakja hemi pleiem wan very impotant role lo developmentmo economic growth bloNesen blong yumi. Fomesen blool islands blong yumi hemi re-inforsem nid blo Kavman i kontiniu blo buildim infrastrakja lo olketa islands. Hemi wan jalenj from Kaontri blong yumi hemi no wan island bat hemi wan archipelago mo Kavman imas considerem criteria iataem we emi stap plan blobuildim ol infrastructure lo evri island.

    Kavman blong tedeiemi komitim hem blo mekem sua se olketa ongoing project ia I komplit folem plan we I stap. Hemia hemi wan update lo ol Infrastrakja projekt we oli stap gohed:

    ·        Port Vila Urban Development Project; Road, Drainage mo Sanitation around loPort Vila – hemi stap lo progress

    ·        Port Vila Tourism Infrastructure Project – mbae yumi openem nekis manis

    ·        Roads For Development (R4D) Program – hemi continue blo improvum sam main rods lo sam islands blo yumi.

    ·        Tanna Road Phase 1 – hemi stap progress gud

    ·        Malekula Road Phase 1– hemi stap lo progress

    ·        Lapetasi Wharf Upgrade – hemi stap progress gud mo stap within timeframe blo completion

    ·        Luganville International Wharf Repairs mo Extension– handing ova nekis manis.

    ·        Vanuatu Inter Island Shipping Program (six provincial wharves). Hemi still kohed gud.

    ·        Bauerfield runway – next month. PekoaWhitegrass runway – next month.

    ·        Korman Stadium – hand ova September 2017

    ·        Malapoa College Reconstruction. Progress good.

    ·        Office blo Prime Minister -Hand ova nekis manis.

    ·        Hydrographic Charts (Mistery island, Waisisi, Port-Vila, Champagne Beach, Luganville, WallaRano, Pangi) - complete

    ·        Efate Ringroad maintenance -on progress.

     Ol coming projects we oli wait lo signing agreement: 2nd phase Tanna road mo Malekula road

     Ol coming projets we oli stap lo pipeline: State Haos, niu Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Airport projects blo oli kam all weather use (Pekoa code E/ Extension Norsup/ Extension Lonorore mo Longana/ Extension Motalava/ north Ambrym airport)

     Ol roads mo ol bridges lo ol main productive islands: Erromango/ Pentecost/ Ambrym/ Maewo/ South Santo/ Big Bay Santo, wetem samfala more.

     Hydrographic survey: Kavman I wandem mekem Hydrographic survey lo evri bases lo ol aeland.

     Mi wantem tekem opportuniti ia blo acknowledjem work we previous kavman I mekem mo talem tankio lo ol development partners blo yumi.

    i)      Mekemkraon i available blong development/investment

    Ol amendmens lo ol law blong Kraon we oli pass lo last Palemen, hemi blo spidimap process blo development mo investment ikam lo Vanuatu. Semtaem, hemi setemap wan transparent way blo negotiatem ol land leases wetem ol land owners wetem ol claimants, includim ol local authorities, blo oli save kat say. Hemi allowem too loKavman isave gat akses lo land blo iusum for public interest blo extendem ol servis blohem mo givim more security blo ol divelopmen igo lo ol Provinces. Semtaem too hemi inkrisim ol benefits blo ol land owners mo krietem more opportunies blo ol leasehold. 

    j)      Foreign Policy

    Kavman blo tudei bae I kontinue blo strengthenem olketa diplomatic relations mo posisen blo hem long rejional mo international organizationswetem politikol mo ekonomik ajenda.Mo Kavman i reinforsem diplomatic presence blo hem long world.

    Kavman I continiue blong mentenem posisen blo hem lo decolonisation mo human rights (olsem security moacess lo better helt seves mo education blo evri wan mo gender equality

    Kavman I continiue blo sapotem tingting blo better management blo ol oceanwetem Paris Agreement long climate change mo bae I tok strong lo special considerasen blo vulnerability issues especially olsem wan small island development state post LDC graduasen 

    Lo saed lo trade relations, Kavman I continiu blo maintenem mo strentenem relations wetem ol current partners blo yumi mo yumi lukluk lo ol narafala avenues.

     Kavman istap lukluk iet blomekem final decision lo MSG Trade Agreement, PACER Plus, Post Cotonou or fiuja blo EU-ACP.

     Kavman I wandem luk se trough lo ol trade agreements ia, imas gat fair trade, protection mo sapot igo lo ol local industries blo krietem job opportunities.

     Program blo ol workers blo yumi lo New Zealand mo Australiaistap gohed gud, mi tekem opportunity blo talem tankio lo Kavman blo New Zealand mo Australia wetem ol narafala Kavman we oligat similar program olsem ia.

     Wetem uniti mo solidarity insaed lo Region mo Vanuatu olsem strongadvocatorblo regional integration trough lo ol regional organizations“blo no livim eniwan behind”, mi wandem asurem evri Pacific countries se Vanuatu bae I ready blo hostem Pacific Mini Gem lo Decemba lo yia ia.

    Wan spesol tank yu I ko loChinese Kavman lo bigfala sapot long facility mo training we oli givim long Vanuatu. 


    Blo konkludem toktok blo mi, mi wandem rimaenem yumi se ol selebrations blo Independence hemi ol unique moment blo unitem yumi everywan nomata wanem Political Parties, wanem jioj, wanem Province or island yumi kam aot lo hem.Hemi wan special occasion blo yumi selebret tugeta olsem wan pipol, wan Nesem se Istap selebretem ol ajivmens we kaontri blo yumi hemi mekem since yumi kasem Independence.

    Yumi mas stanap tugeta mo unite oltaem blo buildem wan better Kaontri lo fiuja generations, ol pikinini blo tumoro.

     Mi wandem rimaenem yumi evriwan loChristian prinsipol mo traditional values blo yumi olsem wei moto blo yumi italem: “Lo God Yumi Standap”.

     Despite ol Jalensis, yumi mas gat confidence mo hope se “Wetem God nothing is impossible”“Avec Dieu rien est impossible”

     Yumi mas strenghtenem determination mo unity blo yumi so that together yumi save ajivim peace, progress and prosperity blo Nesen blo yumi.


    Fellow Citizens, “Feel proud of yourself… Soyez fier de vous-même »


    Happy 37thanniversary selebresen / Bonne fete du 37eme anniversaire


    God Papa bae emi kontinue blo blessem yumi everiwan!







    Thank you / Je vous remercie / Tankio Tumas