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    PM Salwai i askem pipol blong lukautem gud niu stedium
    Gavman blong China, hemi ofisioli handem ova niu stedium blong hostem Vanuatu Mini Gem long nekis manis long namba 30 oktoba 2017.
    Hemia hemi toktok blong Praem Minista Charlot Salwai long taem blong handing ova seremoni:
    "Tedei hemi markem wan nara milestone achievement long history blong Vanuatu. After we Vanuatu ikasem Independence blong hem, igat plante jenis istap tekem ples taem we yumi lukluk around long yumi tedei. Yumi noticem nation blong yumi ie janis bigwan wetem fulap developments mo wan long ol janis we yumi witnessem today nao hemi development long National Sport Stadium blong yumi.

    Long early 1990s Vanuatu kavman ie invest bigwan blong hostem 4th Mini South Pacific Games (MSPG). Long taem ya wan company blong Tahiti mo Franis mo wan local company SELB now oli buildim stadium ya. Orginal Korman Stadium ie bin mekem bigfala history long Vanuatu from hemi providem wan international mo standard facility we ol different sports disciplines oli bin tek ples long hem. 

    Over long ol yia we ie pas, ie no bin gat care mo mentenance long stadium ya mekem se hemi bin ran down big wan mo nomo save hostem ol sport event. Hemia ie lead ie go blong oli breakem down orginal stadium long 2015 mo startem reconstruction blong new stadium since Vanuatu ie bin choosen blong hostem 2017 Games.

    Nowia yumi gat wan mo manis nomo ie stap before ples ya bai hemi kam wan center blong attaction wetem fulap athlets we bai oli kam blong compete long ol differen sport discipline, mo chanis tu blong Vanuatu hemi showem wanem yumi save playem. Some long ol sport we yumi tek pat gud long hem wetem limited sport resources mo funding we yumi gat, yet, oli mekem world tu oli save about smol island kantri blong yumi ya.

    Yumi talem bigfala thank you long CCECC we oli helpem yumi bigwan blong rebuildem stadium blong yumi.

    Thank you to the President of CCECC Mr. Mr. Zhao Dianglong, to finish this project in time, also by employing the Ni-Vanuatu to gain more experience in expertise. We look forward to have more working relationships with your company in the future.

    Mi proud tu blong talem se wetem dedikesen, komitmen mo effort blong Chinese Government mo fulap ol ni-Vanuatu man mo woman we oli wok or oli help lo wan way or other blong project isave complete successfully, tankio tumas long gudfala work we yumi everiwan ie mekem.

    Mi proud blong talem se current kavman wei mi leadem hemi ie bin committem hem wan bigwan tumas long side blong budget mo hem ie also major sponser long construction blong stadium wei yumi stap long hem tete.

    Sport tete hem ie kam wan priority blong kavman blong yumi from hem ie wan long olgeta tool wei umi save usum blong reducem crime rates mo fight againsem NCD wei ie stap kam undap bigwan long country blong yumi.

    Tete long world, sport ie kam olsem wan product wei yumi save usum blong marketem country blong yumi ie ko long ol nara place long world, yumi save luk too tete long world se ie gat few countries wei although population blo olgeta ie small, yet oli kam famous tru long sports.

    Mi believe se wetem wan small population blong yumi, ol people blong yumi oli gat planteh talent mo skills blong save promotem name blo umi ie ko long world tru long sports.

    Hemia hemi wan nationwide successful storian we yumi save feel proud blong hem blong gat wan sporting stadium we bai hemi save inspirem yumi everiwan blong oli tek part long ol sports blong gat wan helti nation. Fulap preparation ie stap tekem ples finis we togeta bai yumi buildim gud ples blong yumi mo togeta bai yumi celebrate ol wins blong yumi we bai yumi save luk insaed blong stadium ya.

    Bai stadium ya i wan long term vision mo legacy blong mekem se faciliti ia i kat wan long term tingting blong i kam olsem wan centre of excellence or high performance facility blong spot we yumi save linkim ap wetem ol skul mo ol nara sport programs long country.

    Tete mi luk ol piknini, mama, papa, ol olfala mo ol youngfala oli gather wetem smile long face hem ie meanem se yumi proud long facility mo country blo yumi mo too umi save talem se yumi ready blong welcomem ol athletes long ol nara places long region blong enjoyem beauty blong Vanuatu wei ie stap mo semtaem compete long ol sports we oli train from.

    Taem umi putum hands tugeta bai umi save achievem ol bigfala samting wei umi stap plan from ol, wetem ol toktok ya mi wantaem bakeken blong talem bigfala tankiu long behalf blong kavman mo ol people blo Vanuatu long continuous contribution mo sapot we Republik blong China ie kivim blong rebuildem back stadium blong yumi.


    Thank you to the Government of the People’s Republic of China for this great achievement. The relationship between our two contries is growing stronger and stronger and we see during this year 2017: handing over of public buildings and wharf. Thank you very much for your kind financial support.

    With all assistance by Chinese Government in the games: training, training equipments, coaches, bus and this facilities with the assistance of Vanuatu government, all these meet the requirements of the Game Council imposed requirements.

    And with all these commitements, the Government is sure to host successfully the Pacific Mini Games of 2017.

    Thank you tu ie ko long ol private sector long ol saport mo assistance we oli stap kivim ie kam long Kavman mo ol individual man mo woman long we yumi everyone ie work hard blong putum stadium ya  ie kam undap long wan different level.  

    Finally mi wantaem appeal tu long yumi everiwan blong kam showem sapot wetem respect blong yumi long ol athlets mo mi appeal too long yumi everiwa blong yumi join hands togeta blong lukoutem gud stadium blong yumi blong ol pikinini blo yumi long future tu oli save enjoyem same benefit wei umi stap enjoyem tete.

    Wetem ol toktok ya, Mi klad tumas blong save kam stap tedei blong acknowledgem new stadium blong yumi  we bai hemi ready now blong hostem mo officiate ol Van2017 Pacific Mini Games.

    Thank you tumas everyone".