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    Gud aftanun long yumi evriwan

    General Remarks

    I am pleased and honoured to have you all here to officiate the launching of five national documents  which my ministry through  the Department of Strategic Policy, Planning, and Aid Coordination (DSPPAC) have  put forward for us today, the 9th of November 2018.

    These documents include;

    1. National Planning Framework (NPF)

    2. The National Monitoring & Evaluation Policy (MEP)

    3. The Annual Development Report for 2017

    4. The National Records and Information Management Policy

    5. Vanuatu 2030: Communications Strategy

    These national documents are the culmination of over two years of dedication that reflects the Government of Vanuatu’s desire to continue strengthen its overall planning and reporting framework as compelled by the Peoples Plan 2030 (NSDP)

    Background: Vanuatu 2030: The People’s Plan (NSDP)

    You may well remember that The People’s Plan 2030; or NSDPwas launched in 2017, which charts the country's vision and provides an overarching policy framework for achieving a Stable, Sustainable, and Prosperous Vanuatu within the next fifteen years.It also sets out the national priorities and context for the implementation of the new global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) over the same period 2015-2030.

    The national vision and the framework for action outlined in the plan have been informed by the priorities voiced by our people, their community, elected representatives, the private sector and civil society over the course of a three-year consultation across the whole country.

    Similarly with its Consultation, the NSDP will be implemented through a collaborative partnership between government, business communities, civil society and development partners over the next fifteen years.

    The implementation of the NSDP will be harnessed by various documents,one of which is the NSDP M&E Framework which was launched early this year, 2018. NSDP M&E framework defines the indicators and targets in the NSDP for sector alignment of their corporate plans and implementation and somewill belaunched todaysuch as:

    1. National Planning Framework

    The National Planning Framework (NPF) provides the overarching scope of Planning from National, provincial and local Government level. In other words the layers of plans from NSDP, Sector Policy, Corporate Plan, Provincial Plan and local area level Plans. It defines how these Plans link from area levels, provincial level up to the NSDP at the national Level; providing clear implementation structure of the NSDP.

    The National Planning Framework (NPF) has also been developed to ensure planning across the Government of Vanuatu is carried out in a uniform manner.  Furthermore, the NPF is designed to provide the necessary background and information so that all Government entities are certain as to how and why planning needs to be undertaken.

    In this respect, I would expect that all 3 Commissions, planners, EOs, Managers, Directors and DGs be using this document to guide their planning from now on wards including government Local authorities, provinces and area administrators.

    2. The National Monitoring and Evaluation Policy (MEP)

    While the NPF defines the scope of the planning framework on the implementation of the governments NSDP as I mentioned earlier, the National Monitoring and evaluation policy sets the platform on how the NSDP will be reported through a well-defined monitoring and evaluation framework.

    The Purpose of having this policy framework (MEP) is to “establish common structures and standards for effective monitoring and evaluation to improve efficiency, effectiveness and resilience of service delivery”

    It defines a unified reporting structure for all government institutions through six months report and the Annual Development Report.

    3. The Annual Development Report for the year 2017

    As required by the MEP, I am pleased today also to present before you for launching “the Annual Development Report” of the Vanuatu Government for the year 2017. First let me emphasise that this is the first Annual Monitoring report of the Government measuring implementation progress made against the Vanuatu 2030:

    The ADR is a monitoring report that provides the information on where the NSDP is at any given time (and over time) relative to respective targets. Thus, this ADR provides the status of all three pillars of the NSDP; “Economic pillar, Society Pillar, and Environment Pillar through its 15 goals, 98 policy objectives, 196 subjective indicators and 205 targets in the NSDP M&E Framework. This includes the localized SDGs.

    There are achievements and challenges identified in this report that need acknowledgement and further attention of the Government. You will the report this afternoon to actually see these achievements and Challenges I am referring to.

    4. The National Records and Information Management Policy

    The Vanuatu Government recognises that sound records management in the Government is fundamental to good governance, effective and efficient administration. It forms the basis for formulating policy, managing resources and delivering services to the people. It is an essential part of enforcement the Right to Information law in Vanuatu.  Records management also provides a basis for accountability and protecting the rights of individuals. To support continuing service delivery and provide the necessary accountability, government bodies should create and maintain authentic, reliable and usable records. Government bodies should also ensure that the integrity of the records is protected for as long as they are required as evidence of business operations.

    5. Vanuatu 2030: Communications Strategy

    The purpose of this document is to provide a Communications Strategy and Action Plan to support the Government of Vanuatu to implement its National Strategies as stated in Development Plan, Vanuatu 2030.

    The Strategy then sets out the pillars, goals and targets that will achieve the Vision. While not explicitly linked to the global Sustainable Development Goals, alignment with the SDGs is evident throughout, and work has taken place to align at target and indicator level.

    Communications (encompassing Stakeholder Management, Engagement, Awareness, Public & Media Relations and Reporting) represents a key area of work needed to drive implementation of government priorities and attainment of the globally agreed SDGs via national, regional and global effort.


    Let me take this opportunity to thanks DSPPAC, Government agencies, GFG, and UNDP in providing tremendous support and ensuring this day is possible; A day that  government launches four policy documents, a National Report and NSDP logo and banners. I commend you all again for a job well done and you all deservedto be thankful for your hard work

    Official Launching part (PM and VCC rep to officiate with MC)

    Wetem ol toktok ia, mi gat bigfala hona mo privalij naoia blong ofisol ilonjem ol nasonel dokumens ia:

    1. The National Planning Framework

    2. The National Monitoring & Evaluation Policy

    3. The Annual Development Report for 2017

    4. The National Records Information Management Policy

    5. The Vanuatu 2030 Communications Strategy and its Early Phase Products.


    Tankiu tumas long attention blong yumi evriwan.