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    Vanuatu Prime Minister Charlot Salwai concluded a significant visit to New Zealand, enhancing bilateral relations through meetings with key political and community leaders. During discussions with New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Luxon, and Opposition Leader Chris Hipkins, both parties reinforced their commitment to deepening cooperation across various sectors, including trade and climate resilience.

    PM Salwai also engaged with the New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries, focusing on agricultural partnerships and sustainable practices. Notably, the Prime Minister met with Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) workers in Blenheim, acknowledging their contributions to New Zealand and Vanuatu economy and fostering goodwill between the two nations.

    Furthermore, his discussions with Ngāti Whātua Ōrakei representatives in Auckland highlighted the importance of cultural exchange and collaboration on Indigenous issues. This visit marks a pivotal step towards strengthening Vanuatu-New Zealand ties and promoting shared prosperity.

    Vanuatu Christian Council received 1 third from the total government grant yesterday 22nd July, the handover by the Prime Minister Hon. Charlot Salwai Tabimasmas to the Secretary General of VCC.
    The grant is a symbol of the Government's commitment to supporting the vital work of the church in the country. The funds will be used to support various churches and communities programs that align with the national priorities.
    VCC Secretary General humbled and greatly acknowledged the Vanuatu government for the continuous support to the Vanuatu Christian Council. The support is a testament to the strong partnership between the government and the church, which has been a cornerstone of this nation's development. The SG assured the Hon. Prime Minister that these funds will be used wisely and effectively to benefit the society and pray the God will bless this nation as we work together to build a brighter future for all Vanuatu citizens

    Prime Minister (PM) Charlot Salwai is currently in China as of 7th of July when he arrived, accompanied by Minister of Internal Affairs Johnny Koanapo and Minister of Lands Rick Tchamako Mahe.

    According to Hilaire Bule, the Public Relations Officer (PRO) for the Government, PM Salwai arrived in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, on Sunday afternoon to begin his official visit. Upon their arrival, the delegation received a warm welcome at the airport.

    Yesterday, Prime Minister Salwai met with the Vice Governor of Guangdong province, Mr. Wang Xi.

    During the meeting, the two leaders exchanged views on various areas of development. PM Salwai emphasised that the large delegation from Vanuatu visiting China this week reflects the importance Vanuatu places on its relationship with China and Guangdong province.

    He noted that while China and Vanuatu formally established diplomatic relations in 1982, the relationship began well before then with Chinese Cantonese settlers arriving in Vanuatu before the country’s independence in 1980.

    The PM expressed the gratitude of the people of Vanuatu for the support received from China in the aftermaths of natural disasters.

    He invited Guangdong Province to explore business opportunities in Vanuatu, particularly in rural development and air connectivity. He also extended an invitation to Guangdong province to establish province and city agreements with other provinces and towns in Vanuatu.

    Vice Governor Wang stated that his province is interested in investing in the areas of coffee, fish, and forestry, mentioning that Guangdong is one of the main producers of coffee.

    The Vice Governor said Guangdong organises a tourism event every year and invited Vanuatu to participate. He expressed a desire to promote agricultural exchange with Vanuatu and assured that his province would continue to assist Vanuatu during times of disaster, maintaining this support in the future.

    Yesterday, PM Salwai and his delegation also visited the Canton Opera Exhibition and the Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition, where they had the opportunity to discover the rich cultural heritage of Guangdong province.

    The province is committed to preserving its customs and traditions, passing them down to younger generations to ensure they hold onto their cultural identity.

    PRO Bule shared that PM Salwai, Mrs. Salwai, Internal Affairs Minister Koanapo, and Lands Minister Mahe had the privilege of dressing in their traditional opera costumes.

    Guangdong province has been a significant contributor to Vanuatu’s early development stages, with the first Chinese Cantonese settlers arriving in Vanuatu before independence. Today, their grandchildren continue to live in Vanuatu and have become citizens, running their own businesses in the country.

    By Daily Post Vanuatu

    The Prime Ministers of Solomon Islands and Vanuatu have signed the ‘Tirvau’ agreement this morning at the Coral Sea Resort in Honiara.
    The Tirvau basic border Agreement is the overarching framework that will govern and regulate the joint border arrangements and movements between the maritime border of Solomon Islands and Vanuatu.
    Prime Minister, Hon. Jeremiah Manele said the Agreement is about promoting peaceful relations, facilitating economic activities, and ensuring the effective governance of our borders and cooperate on sectoral and humanitarian issues of mutual concern to the two states.
    The Tirvau Agreement is an extension of the Motalava Treaty between Solomon Islands and Vanuatu signed in October 2016 and concerns the sovereignty Maritime and Seabed Boundaries and Cooperation on relation matters.
    Prime Minister Manele said the presence of Vanuatu’s Prime Minister, Hon. Charlot Salwai Tabimasmas at this historic signing ceremony signifies the strength and depth of both countries relations that is based on mutual respect, the wantok spirit, the cultural and historical ties.
    Solomon Islands has a special relationship with Vanuatu’s province of Torba, having gifted land last year to the Government of Solomon Islands and Torba’s sister province of Temotu. Temotu’ Provincial Premier, Hon. Stanley Tehi who was at the signing ceremony has assured that his province will reciprocate the gesture by providing land for the Government of Vanuatu and its sister province of Torba.
    Prime Minister Manele made special mention of his Vanuatu counterpart, Hon. Charlot Salwai who was also Prime Minister in 2016 when the Motalava Treaty was signed with former Prime Minister, Hon. Manasseh Sogavare.
    Elements of the Tirvau Agreement is intergenerational in nature and opens doors for further collaboration, integration and cooperation between the two states.
    Hon. Manele said the agreement cements and binds current relations with a umi tugeda spirit, two wantok countries further formalizing and recognizing the traditional and cultural connections as Melanesians.
    It will also allow for more visibility and transaction between the two countries for stronger connectivity, trading and economic growth.
    With the signing ceremony, Prime Minister Manele called on implementing authorities to be diligent in activating and operationalizing this Agreement on its designated date.
    The name of the Basic Border Agreement is the “Tirvau Agreement”. Tirvau is the feather money used by the people of Temotu, it signifies the diversity that exists in our countries and the value placed on our relations.
    By Solomon Islands Ministry of Foreign Affairs & External Trade

    Hon. Prime Minister Charlot Salwai Tabimasmas met with New Zealand Deputy Prime Minister Hon. Winston Peters today at the Prime Minister's Office.
    Hon. Prime Minister congratulated Hon. Winston on his election as the 13th Deputy Prime Minister of New Zealand since November 2023. The Hon Prime Minister stated that this is a significant opportunity for the two countries to continue building on the Maori statement of Partnership which establishes the enduring values, priorities and principles that underpin the two county's relations.
    "We have valued New Zealand's assistance in times of natural disasters, as well as in times of need. We express through you our gratitude for New Zealand's life-saving humanitarian assistance and relief supplies rendered to our people impacted by these natural events. Recovering from natural disasters has and will always impose extensive development challenges on Vanuatu's economy, given our archipelagic nature" Said Hon. Prime Minister.
    The Hon. Prime Minister also acknowledge New Zealand's assistance in the social sectors, security, law and justice, Labor Mobility the Recognized Seasonal Worker Program and PACER PLUS entry of Vanuatu products into New Zealand market. And assured Deputy Prime Minister Winston that Vanuatu will continue to value New Zealand's partnership in building stronger business and investment links between the two countries.
    The two leaders exchanged gifts at the end of discussions.
