Mi wantem highlightem spirit blong partnership long plante diferent level we emi mekem se yumi fortunate blong yumi save stap tugeta tede long spesel occasion ia.
Ol project activities long aelan blong Epi oli kam tru long wan project we nem blong em emi Vanuatu Coastal Adaptation Project. Spirit blong partnership emi start long level blong ol donors wetem ol Implementing Agencies we oli putum tugeta olgeta different funds blong olgeta blong mekem project emi kam wan reality. Funding blong project emi kam tru long Global Environment Facility (GEF) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) nao emi accessem funding ia blong supportem Government blong Vanuatu blong implementem project.
At this juncture, I wish to express the sincere gratitude of the Government and the people of Vanuatu for the spirit of partnership from UNDP and all the able support from UNDP to make the VCAP project not only a reality but a success in Vanuatu. May I also affirm to you our commitment to continue partnering with you in our future resilience building efforts to explore the possibilities of up-scaling many of the successful climate change initiatives in Vanuatu.
Olgeta Gudfala people blong Epi,
Blong yumi implementem project ia, long level blong Government, I gat partnership between ol different Ministries, different Government Departments and also partnership wetem Provincial Governments.
So tede olsem Prime Minister blong Vanuatu, mi wantem acknowledgem spirit blong partnership blong Ministry of Infrastructure, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry blong Agriculture and also Shefa Provincial Government blong oli work in partnership wetem Ministry blong Climate Change mo Department blong Meteorology and Geo-hazards blong progressem project ia kasem stage we yumi stap long em tedei.
Mi mas talem tu se without partnership blong ol Chiefs, ol community leaders and yufala olgeta gudfala people blong Epi, bae project ia emi no save kam wan reality. Mi talem thank you long positive engagement mo spirit blong partnership blong yufala.
Honorable Ministers
Chairman blong Epi Council of Chiefs
Olgeta chiefs long Epi
Ol man mo woman
Ol youths mo olgeta pikinini
Climate Change bae emi continue blong stap olsem wan challenge long environment mo livelihood blong yumi ol man Vanuatu. Climate Change bae emi continue blong affectem ol key sectors we yumi depend long olgeta long laef blong yumi. However yumi mas recognisem se tru long partnership, taem yumi putum plante hands together, burden blong challenge bae emi no heavy.
Government blong Vanuatu emi recognisem importance blong challenge we I kam wetem climate change and blong showem commitment blong yumi long national, regional and international level – Government emi establishim finis wan dedicated Ministry blong Climate Change. Government tru long Council of Ministers this year I agree finis se long 2018 bae Government emi establishim wan Department of Climate Change olsem wan further commitment not only blong continue wetem ol national efforts blong yumi but also blong mekem sure se yumi fulfilim olgeta obligations blong yumi through long Paris Agreement blong Climate Change.
Honorable Ministers
Chairman blong Epi Council of Chiefs
Olgeta chiefs long Epi
Ol man mo woman
Ol youths mo olgeta pikinini
Long behalf blong Government mi wantem bakeken talem thank you tumas long valuable contribution blong each and every stakeholder blong VCAP Project and olsem Prime Minister mi stap nao officially launchem ol completed project activities long island blong Epi.
Tankyu tumas".